President Obama will grant legal status and work permits for five million illegal immigrants by executive order—a plan that that the American Farm Bureau claims won’t help agriculture. In a prepared statement, AFBF said “In practical terms, we do not expect the president’s initiative to help America’s farmers deal with the real labor challenges they face.” The Hill reports that in a sharp rebuke to Republican critics, Obama challenged his political opposition to “pass a bill” if they did not like his actions.

Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley commented after the announcement “the President’s executive actions on immigration are the wrong way forward and disrespectful of the law.” But Obama said his actions were “not only lawful, they’re the kinds of actions taken by every single Republican president and every single Democratic president for the past half century.” Farm Bureau said this will not change the fact our nation loses millions of dollars in fruit and vegetable production every year because farmers cannot find labor. AFBF called upon congress to pass immigration reform.

Source NAFB News

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