Iowans Tend To Forget These Life-Saving Road Rules In The Fall
We are almost halfway through October which means Harvest is in full swing here in Iowa. While in the northeast region of the state, we are having a slower start, more and more tractors have been taking to the fields to start this year’s harvest.
But after talking with Iowa State Patrol, there seem to be a few things Iowans forget each year as they are forced to share the road with these big tractors. Sergeant Alex Dinkla with Iowa State Patrol says that one thing they can not stress enough this time of year.
As you approach hills and intersections- always be on the lookout for these slow-moving vehicles.
He adds that people often overlook the fact that tractors cannot travel at highway speeds.
They're going to usually be transitioning from field to field, where you see one combine you might see another pickup truck pulling that combine bean or corn head, as well as other large equipment that may take up lane to lane.
And one common misconception that drivers in Iowa have when it comes to sharing the road with tractors.
Around 1 in 25 farm vehicle accidents happen when a car is trying to pass a tractor. They can happen because people forget to account for extra-wide equipment or because people are not following road laws.
People see these slow-moving vehicles; they think they're able to pass them no matter if it's a passing zone or not. That is the farthest from the truth. If you approach a slow-moving vehicle, and you are behind one of these vehicles, we need you to still obey the laws when there is no passing zone. You have to wait until that passing zone is open before you're able to pass that vehicle legally.
So, if there is a solid yellow line, it is illegal to pass any vehicle, even a slow-moving tractor.
Even if you get caught behind a tractor in a no-passing zone for two miles, the time it will take to get to a safe passing area is the equivalent of waiting at two stoplights.