Cattle Groups Applaud Proposed Delay of Logging Requirements
Language in a U.S. House bill would delay the requirements mandating the use of electronic logging devices in livestock hauling trucks for one year. Cattle groups, including the U.S. Cattlemen’s Association and the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, applauded the proposed delay of electronic logging requirements for livestock haulers.
USCA’s Transportation Committee Chairman Steve Hilker says the bill allows time for the industry and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to “find acceptable solutions to the restrictive Hours-of-Service Rules for livestock haulers.” His comments echoed that of NCBA president-elect Kevin Kester of California, who says the delay allows time to “add needed flexibility, as hauling livestock has many challenges.”
The U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development approved its appropriations bill that includes the delay earlier this week. The full committee could mark up the legislation as soon as next week.