We all know that it's been a very dry spring across Iowa, but the lack of precipitation also corresponds to a minuscule amount of thunder across the state.

So far in June, there have only been two hours of the rumblings of thunder in Waterloo. That number is well below the average of over 19 hours for the month of June, according to the Iowa Environmental Mesonet:

Iowa Environmental Mesonet
Iowa Environmental Mesonet

As shown in the graph, April and May were well below normal, as well.

Compared to June 2020 in Waterloo, there were 38 hours of Thunder, nearly double the average.

Waterloo averages just under 7 days with thunder per June. So far, there has been only one day with thunder. Every month this year, so far, has been below average in recorded days with at least one thunder report.

Iowa Environmental Mesonet
Iowa Environmental Mesonet

Cedar Rapids has totaled four hours of thunder in June, also well below the average of 20.5.

Iowa Environmental Mesonet
Iowa Environmental Mesonet

Cedar Rapids has had only three days where thunder was recorded. The monthly average is 7.3 days.

As for our state capital of Des Moines. The city averages 25 hours of Thunder in June. So far this month, there’s been just ONE hour of reported thunder.

Iowa Environmental Mesonet
Iowa Environmental Mesonet

According to weareiowa.com, in 2020, Iowa reported 2,608,791 total cloud-to-ground lightning strikes and in-cloud lightning pulses, below the five-year average. If the drought continues, the 2021 total lightning strikes in the state will be much lower than last year.


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