USDA to Allow States Flexibility for SNAP
The Hagstrom Report says USDA will allow states more flexibility in managing SNAPThe U.S. Ag Department sent a letter to state administrators of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program advising them that changes will be coming to the program.
Brandon Lipps, the acting undersecretary for food, nutrition, and consumers services says the USDA will allow more flexibility in areas that don’t increase costs for taxpayers or various partners on the ground. Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue says, “SNAP was created to provide people with the help they need to feed themselves and their families, but it was not intended to be a lifestyle. As a former governor, I know first-hand how important it is for states to be given the flexibility to achieve the desired goal of self-sufficiency for people.” Perdue says they want to provide the nutrition people need but we also want to help people transition from government programs back to work and into independence.
President Donald Trump has said when tax reform efforts are done, he wants to turn his attention to welfare reform, possibly setting up a future battle within the next farm bill development process, which also contains food programs like SNAP.
Source; NAFB News