Photographer Captures Stunning Video of Milky Way Over Iowa
We are known to have gorgeous clear skies over Iowa, but it's not easy to capture the beauty. One photographer was successful as he shared a stunning time-lapse video of the Milky Way over Iowa.
This is a short, but very sweet video of what the Milky Way looks like as it travels across our horizon. Camera Nerd dropped this one on YouTube and it might be the most awesome thing you see today.
He asked a question that isn't difficult to answer:
Who likes an open sky filled with nothing but stars?
I'm raising my hand right now. Yes, I love anyone that can capture our Iowa night sky and this one is a knockout.
I've attempted a lot of night sky photography/videography. The key word is "attempted" as you really need skills to do it well. Photography Life shared some tips on how to capture images or video of the Milky Way. They key points include the following:
- Get as far away as you can from areas with lots of lights
- Know how to adjust your camera settings to optimize for darkness
- Non-sky objects can make for better pics
That last one was one reason I enjoyed this Iowa time-lapse more than most. The grain bins in the foreground with the Milky Way moving behind really screams "Iowa" and that's a very good thing.
I have no idea who "camera nerd" is, but he or she certainly knows how to make the most of a clear night over Iowa. Well done.