Overall Tractor Sales Trending Higher in 2017
Tractor sales in the United States increased again last month, representing a six percent increase since the beginning of the year. A monthly report by the Association of Equipment Manufacturers shows April tractor sales were up seven percent, compared to April of last year, with more than 67,000 sales reported.
For the month, two-wheel drive under 40 horsepower tractors, were up 11 percent from last year, while 40 and under 100 horsepower tractors were up one percent. Sales of two-wheel drive 100-plus horsepower were down eight percent, while four-wheel drive tractor sales were down five percent.
For the year, two-wheel drive smaller tractors, under 40 horsepower, are up 13 percent over last year, while 40 and under 100 horsepower are down two percent. Sales of two-wheel drive 100-plus horsepower tractors are down 12 percent, while four-wheel drive tractors are down 10 percent. Combine sales were up 0.3 percent for the month. Sales of combines for the year total 1,034 a decrease of 12 percent from 2016.
Source; NAFB News