How Cell Phones Track Our Social Distancing Success
Living in the age of social distancing can be tough. You wonder to yourself if your reduced travel and self-isolation is enough. I mean, you're doing your part, but what about everyone else? If only there was some magical device that could track how well we all are doing during this pandemic! Lucky for you there is. It's your cell phone.
A data collection company is using GPS data from your phone to track travel patterns in the U.S. since the coronavirus outbreak. By comparing your travel data before the virus hit the United States to right now when we're all supposed to be practicing social distancing and in some cases, self-quarantine, we can get a grade on how each county and state is doing. A 40% or greater decrease in travel earns an A grade, while a 10% decrease or any increase in movement is given an F.
So how are Iowans doing? Overall the state earned a C grade. As of the time of this study, Iowan's travel had decreased around 29%. Not an awful score, but it was among the lower end in the entire United States. How about counties in Eastern Iowa? Linn County earned a B grade, but Johnson County gets a D. You can view the interactive map HERE.
The only way that we'll stop the spread of coronavirus is to stay home. Don't go out except for absolutely necessary activities. This data shows that while some of us are doing our part, many people have a long way to go.
[via TheHill]