Getty Images, Mira Oberman, Staff
Getty Images, Mira Oberman, Staff

Dry conditions throughout the week with precipitation not arriving until the weekend allowed Iowa farmers 5.5 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending August 9, 2015, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. Activities for the week included cutting hay as well as fungicide and insecticide applications. There were scattered reports of weed and insect issues in soybeans and fungus in corn fields. Seed corn detasseling was nearing completion across much of the state.


Topsoil moisture levels rated 0 percent very short, 9 percent short, 78 percent adequate and 13 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture levels rated 0 percent very short, 8 percent short, 80 percent adequate and 12 percent surplus. Limited precipitation across northern Iowa resulted in falling topsoil and subsoil moisture levels across the area, with northwest Iowa now reporting over one-quarter short to very short on topsoil moisture.


Ninety-seven percent of the corn crop reached the silking stage or beyond, with 51 percent reaching the dough stage or beyond, slightly behind 2014, but 4 days ahead of the 5-year average. Reports of corn starting to dent were received from across the State. Corn condition rated 83 percent good to excellent. Soybeans blooming or beyond reached 92 percent, 5 days behind the previous year. Seventy-three percent of soybeans were setting pods. Soybean condition rated 79 percent good to excellent. Ninety-one percent of the oat crop for grain or seed has been harvested, 4 days ahead of last year, but slightly behind the average.


The second cutting of alfalfa hay reached 85 percent, 6 days behind last year and 9 days behind normal. The third cutting of alfalfa hay is 28 percent complete, 4 days behind average. Hay condition dropped slightly to 68 percent good to excellent, while pasture condition dropped 3 percentage points to 73 percent good to excellent. Livestock experienced normal summer heat stress and mild pressure from insects.

Source:  Iowa Dept of Ag

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