Iowa Ag Leaders Return From Japan And KoreaIowa Ag Leaders Return From Japan And KoreaLast week Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig lead a trade mission to the two countries to expand trade and investment opportunities for Iowa.Kailey FosterKailey Foster
Iowa Senators Ask White House To Increase Overseas TradeIowa Senators Ask White House To Increase Overseas TradeBoth of Iowa’s senators are sending President Joe Biden a letter, urging him to seek new trade agreements in the Indo-Pacific region.Kailey FosterKailey Foster
A Packer Fan’s Letter to Aaron RodgersA Packer Fan’s Letter to Aaron RodgersThis Packers fan would love to have Aaron Rodgers back. But he also realizes no one player is bigger than the team.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard