Hundreds to be Hired as $109 Million FedEx Facility Opens in Cedar RapidsHundreds to be Hired as $109 Million FedEx Facility Opens in Cedar RapidsThe facility is set to start serving the community later this year.DanielleDanielle
Hy-Vee To Add Security Teams To All StoresHy-Vee To Add Security Teams To All StoresHy-Vee will soon have its own security force patrolling its stores. Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
The Highest-Paying Jobs in Iowa That Are Hiring NowThe Highest-Paying Jobs in Iowa That Are Hiring NowIf you're looking for that big paycheck, these are jobs you'll want.DanielleDanielle
Townsquare Media Hiring Digital Campaign ManagerTownsquare Media Hiring Digital Campaign ManagerTownsquare is looking for an Associate Digital Campaign Manager [DCM]. DanielleDanielle
Iowa Walmart Stores Plan To Hire Over 2,000 EmployeesIowa Walmart Stores Plan To Hire Over 2,000 EmployeesLooking for a job? Here's an opening. Tiffany KayTiffany Kay