Overall crime was down in Black Hawk County in 2019, according to statistics released Wednesday by Sheriff Tony Thompson.

Despite most figures being lower than they were in 2018, certain types of crimes increased. The numbers show there were slightly more burglaries, thefts and OWI arrests last year.

Right now, a big concern for Thompson is an increase in the number of inmates at the Black Hawk County Jail. According to the sheriff, the increase in jail numbers is currently a major focus for his department.

"As this annual report will show, our booking numbers are decreasing, but our average daily population continues to increase dramatically," Thompson said. "We are holding more forcible felons in the Black Hawk County Jail than ever in its history, and their heads stay in our beds for a much longer stay while navigating the courts. This creates a bottleneck that challenges us for bedspace.



20182019"CLASS B" OFFENSES20182019
Arson01Liquor Law Violations40
Aggravated Assault32OWI95100
Assault - Domestic1111Public Intoxication1511
Assault - Simple2120Family Offenses52
Criminal Mischief3338Suspicion55
Drug Violations347213Bad Checks1616
Robbery00All Other Offenses58
Sexual Offenses73
Larceny of Motor Vehicles1013
Entice/Exploit Child11
Calls For Service7,6688,473
Dispatch Call Center Calls104,638106,595
Fatal Traffic Accidents24
Injury Traffic Accidents2848
Property Damage Accidents256272
Citations Issued3,1662,933
Civil Processes Served12,66012,414
Warrants Served1,008408
Average Dail Jail Population249266.5
Jail Bookings7,0706,565

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