NE Iowa Town Questions Administrator’s Pay
PARKERSBURG, Iowa (AP) — Parkersburg officials and the state auditor's office are squabbling over the town's finances, including paying the town administrator for digging graves.
Some residents in the north-central Iowa town asked the state for a reaudit because of concerns about town operations. The state reviewed records from November 2009 through July 2014.
Auditors questioned among other things whether Parkersburg should have paid City Administrator Chris Luhring nearly $33,000 over his base salary over five years for overtime, compensatory time, record keeping and grave digging. The auditors say in a report issued Friday that Luhring was a manager who shouldn't get overtime and, under town ordinance, shouldn't be digging graves.
Town officials say Luhring's title is misleading, he isn't a manager and that extra pay for extra job duties is fiscally responsible.