Fires at 2 Northeast Iowa grain facilities have kept area crews busy.

Firefighters were called out just before 2pm Thursday to a dryer fire in New Hampton, at the Five Star Cooperative. Employees spotted the blaze right away and called authorities.

Brisk winds fueled the blaze, and billowing smoke made it hard to see.

Fire departments from New Hampton, Fredericksburg, Lawler, north Washington and Ionia responded.

No injuries were reported, and there was no indication of the amount of damage.

And at least 4 fire departments were called out today (Friday) to a grain dryer fire in Tripoli.

It started at around 8am at Figanbaum Trucking and Grain.

It took fire crews from Tripoli, Sumner, Frederika, and Readlyn about 2 hours to put the blaze out.

Again, no injuries were reported.

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