Maize Mase In Elgin Will Not Reopen
According to a facebook post the Fayette County Conservation Board and the Country Heritage Community have decided to close the Maize Maze.
The CHC Maize Maze has had an unbelievable run and is one of the highlights of the storied history of the organization and the Fayette County Conservation Board. The Maze, located at the Gilbertson Conservation Education Area near Elgin, Iowa, has been a staple attraction to the park and Northeast Iowa. The project and its partners have told the stories of American Agriculture through the mission of the Silos and Smokestacks National Heritage Area for over 20 years.
The Maize Maze has had visitors from all 50 states and many foreign countries and has been highlighted in literature worldwide, including being featured on Country Music Televisions Small Town America series.
Unfortunately, financial restrictions, aging infrastructure and low gate fees have driven this decision to end the era.