Canning Foods – An Iowa Family Tradition
Here's another home improvement topic from Menards...
Canning is a treasured tradition that many people remember their mom or grandmother doing, but is a feat that many people don’t feel they have the time or talent for. Here are some helpful tips from Menards to help you feel confident enough to start canning and stop wasting the veggies and fruits of your labor! “Let’s Get Canning!”
Necessary Supplies:
Canning Jars-You must use jars specifically for canning. You cannot use any basic jar as they cannot endure the high temperatures or pressure of canning.
A big heavy kettle to process the food before it is put in the jar.
A large pot with a jar rack to process the jars once they are full.
A lid lifter is needed to pull the lid out of hot water and put it on the jar without damaging the seal of the lid or burning your fingers.
A set of tongs to lift the jar out of the boiling water.
A pan to simmer the lids in to soften the sealant making them seal better.
Things to know:
Make sure your recipe is current and tested.
Thoroughly clean your work area, utensils and hands.
Jars should not be cracked or chipped. They should be sterilized in hot water for up to 10 minutes.
Lids should be new, but you can reuse your rings
Set aside enough time to complete your canning project as it can take several hours.
Cut/chop all foods to similar size so that they all heat at the same rate.
Water must be boiling before you can start your timer
There are so many different foods you can try canning with.
Canning methods:
Water bath Canning is typically used for high acid foods like jams, jellies, salsa, sauces or tomatoes.
Pressure Canning for low acid foods such as beef, poultry, pork, vegetables or venison.
Always make sure that you read each recipe and process carefully. Keep the canning tradition alive! Pass this tradition, with your tips and recipes, on to your family, friends and neighbors.