The year was 1847.  The date was February 25th and the beautiful State University of Iowa was born.  I could give you lots of history on this that and the other about the U of I from 1847 to 2015...but I won't.


Okay, I really couldn't, I don't know much about the history of the U of I....but I do know I can hummmm along with the best of them when the fight song comes along and I know when to yell "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! for Iowa" at the right time!

Honestly, I don't know the words, so I said to myself...."Hey, this is a great chance to share the fight song and learn the words".  And myself replied "That is an awesome idea, you are so smart".  I like to compliment myself often to boost my ego.



And while we're at it.....let's have a little VICTORY dance to this too!



Hope this makes your day a little brighter....Happy Birthday U of Iowa


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