We're willing to bet just about everyone across the nation has a favorite concert they've been to. It's the show that made you a fan for life or the one that inspired you to chase those big dreams. That one show will be one you will always remember every detail about — all the way down to what you were wearing.

It's the same for country music artists. They remember those moments in the audience watching in awe. Which is why we had to ask them about those special shows that changed their lives.

Ahead of the 59th ACM Awards this year, we asked several country singers, "What's the best concert you've ever been to?" We left it open for them to choose any artist from any genre at any moment in their lives.

Some had to think about it a moment, while others were quick to throw out a name, date, town, their age and more.

Some of the most special shows were actually the first show an artist had ever been to. After all, you never forget your first show, right?

And while our artists are easily the biggest country music fans on the planet, that doesn't mean they only get their inspiration from within the genre. Quite a few singers threw out names from around the world of music — some of those concerts were once-in-a-lifetime shows with some legends.

Country music remained king though with several names dropped from our home genre. And — just like the non-country names — there were some pretty special moments that were relived.

See which shows stick out to our favorite country artists as the best concert they've ever been to below.

Jess hosts the syndicated radio show, Taste of Country Weekend, which can be heard on country stations nationwide. Tune in for all of the best new country music, spotlights on new tracks and emerging artists, plus Double-Downs on all of your favorites. The weekend is always better with a little Taste of Country in it.

Country Artists Reveal The Best Concert They've Ever Been To

Our favorite country artists know how to put on a good show, but have you ever wondered which artists have blown them away? As musicians, artists are naturally inspired by other artists and just fans of music in general — no matter the genre.

So which concerts have knocked the socks off your favorite artists? Keep scrolling to find out.

Gallery Credit: Jess

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