The Iowa State Fair is set for August 10-20, 2017. Here are nine of the more 'bizarre' contest taking place at this year's state fair.

Bizarre might not be the best word to describe some of these contests, but I think you'll get the idea as you read this. They may be the norm for some, but I'd venture a guess that most will be like me, and they never knew that these competitions will be held in August.

In total, there are 27 different contests that you can register to compete in during this year's Iowa State Fair. We all know about the pie eating contest, mutton bustin' contest, pedal tractor pull, and queen pageant. What fair would be complete with out those oldie but goodies?

Even though the game of 'Bags', or Cornhole if you prefer, is relatively new, it still makes perfect sense for a Bags tournament to take place. That being said, there are some contests on the Iowa State Fair Time Contest Registration page that I had to look up just to know what they were all about.

It's not a new contest, but I'm always amazed at some of the designs of these outhouses. This event started in 2004. Who wouldn't want to be #1 in the #2 department?

I didn't think this was too odd until I started reading the rules for the adult and youth tournaments. They are using the "Swiss System" play, or competitors of each round may agree to play “Go-As-You-Please.” Wait, what? There's more than one way to play checkers. So much for my jump-jump-king me theory. (More Details)

I never would have thought of a diaper as a beautiful thing, but with categories like the "Most Creative Decorated Diaper", "Iowa State Fair Diaper", and "Group Theme Diaper", maybe I'm wrong. Although the Diaper Derby sounds like a fun to watch. Not necessarily because of the babies, but I think the parents and their antics to get junior to cover the coarse might just be the show. (More Details)

If you have a Checkers Tournament, why not a Chess Tournament. I always enjoyed playing chess, but I was the dude that would get beat in 4 moves. I'll just spectate, thank you. (More Details)

I have a hat collection that fills boxes and boxes in a cob web filled room somewhere in the basement, but I doubt any of them could win the 'Wild & Wacky' or 'Glitzy & Glamorous' categories. (More Details)

Did you know that the Iowa State Fair has a weightlifting contest? I sure didn't. They have divisions for men, women, youth, and different weight classes. Time to get your jerk on. (More Details)

I had to Google this one. My first thought was that it was a new division for the the truck & tractor pull competition. I was half right, but this pulling contest is with small, battery operated towns. Now that's... unique. (More Details)


Well, if we have a pull for battery operated toys, why not one for RC trucks and tractors. Don't let competition fool you. This is not your ordinary Radio Controlled toys. These things are serious machines.

This has to be one of the strangest contest I've ever heard of, but I think it might be the funniest concept. Prizes are awarded for the thinnest, hairiest, whitest, most tans, and the overall Mr. Legs Champion. (More Details)

If you're heading to this year's Iowa State Fair, take a look at the daily schedule, and see if you can catch one of these 'bizarre' and/or unique events.

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