A retired wedding planner on Reddit refused to plan their son's wedding thanks to one of his future bride's frustrating habits.

The parent explained that they were asked to plan the wedding since they also planned their daughter's big day.

"I told them no and when asked why I told both of them that it is due to my future [daughter-in-law's] lateness habit," they revealed.

"She claims it is a cultural difference and everyone in her family is late. This is true, they are always 30 minutes or more late and it drives me insane," the wedding planner continued.

The planner added that they don't want the son and his bride-to-be to be an embarrassment to business associates.

"The wedding would need many meet-ups and I am not willing to sit around waiting for her or my son. Not to mention all the business appointments that I do not want to be embarrassed at when she is late," they said.

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The parent even noted that they have tried talking to the woman about how frustrating her lateness is to no avail.

"I have talked to her about the lateness before and nothing has changed, she was literally late for my birthday dinner about a month ago," they shared.

"I have also talked to my son and he sides with her. I am not willing to tell her an earlier time since she is an adult and overall her lateness is disrespectful to me and my time," they went on.

Nevertheless, despite the wedding planner's explanation of their reasoning for declining to plan the wedding, their son is upset over the situation.

"I explained the reasoning above and they were pissed. My son was upset since I won’t give her a chance and I did plan his sisters. My DIL is pissed since I told her she is the reason I won’t. Personally, she has proven over and over again she won’t be on time so I don’t even want to try with this," they wrote.

Many commenters in the Am I The A--hole forum agreed with the wedding planner's decision.

"She is an adult and is disrespecting you. You do not owe her further opportunities to do so," one person wrote.

"Your DIL is pissed because she f--ked around and found out, so to speak. Actions have consequences, even for DILs. You're experienced enough to assess what would happen if you did take on this job," another person commented.

"Habitual lateness is rude as hell and should have consequences. You are completely right that you can't waste your time or the vendors' time," someone else agreed.

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Gallery Credit: Michele Bird

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