The Top Ten Things We Feel Like We Don’t Get Enough Of
A recent study looked at the top things we feel like we don't get enough of...
...and sleep is #1. Because more sleep always sounds wonderful, right? Or maybe I'm just old!
Here are the top 10 things we wish we got more of...
1. Sleep Naps in the afternoon, naps at work, naps in school, naps in your car...shoot sometimes, in the evening, I even take a nap in my comfy chair, then get up and go to bed...
2. Vacations I think we all could use one after the winter we've had...some place warm & fact, let's in RIGHT NOW...
3. Disposable Income to spend on whatever the heck we want...Yes please!
4. Exercise ranked a bit high...and it just made the list, so we don't have to feel guilty, lol
5. Sunlight Makes sense, since 40% of us are vitamin D deficient now. - wintertime in Iowa = very little sunshine
6. Sex come on, this should be #1 EASILY....for guys anyway...
7. Salary So that means money made the list twice.
8. Good luck especially, when it comes to playing the lottery...
9. Fresh air you can get fresh air, but that means you have to go outside where it's COLD....ugh
10. Fun Like Hawaii, right now. - or I'd even settle for a nice cold beer at this point...
And just missing out at #11 is more "me-time." The survey found we wish we got a minimum of 1 hour and 43 minutes of "me-time" each day, but we only get 1 hour and 15 minutes. (Or if you're a parent, zero!) - unless you count all the time we spend staring at our phones, then yah, we actually get plenty of "me-time".
Ok, all this typing is making me tired...who else could use a nap? zzzzz......