The most common problem identified in heat-related deaths and illness of workers is the lack of a heat prevention and acclimatization programs, according to federal safety investigators from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. OSHA says agricultural and construction workers are particularly vulnerable to heat illness because working in full sunlight can increase heat index values by 15 degrees Fahrenheit. OSHA’s Acting Regional Administrator in Kansas City, Missouri, Bonita Winingham, says a review of heat-related deaths found “frequently it was their first day on the job and the workers were not acclimated to the constant exposure to the heat and sun.”

To reduce heat-related illnesses, OSHA recommends drinking water every 15 minutes, even if you are not thirsty, rest in the shade to cool down and to wear a hat and light-colored clothing.

Other suggestions include: Take frequent brakes, Don't drink coffee, beer or alcohol, Do the heaviest/hardest work first and save the lighter/easier work for later.  You can find More Heat Survival Tips Here

Source;  NAFB News

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