Today, right now, is the perfect time to be thinking of spring safety.  Months of snow covered ground, winds that chilled us to the bone and lack of sunshine all take a toll on our moods and energy levels.  It's no surprise that with the rising temps and melting snow that kids and pets are busting down the doors to escape the holds of cabin fever.

Bikes are zipping up and down sidewalks, laughter and child's play is filling the outdoor landscapes.  Windows to the house are open wide to let in the fresh air, grills are being cleaned up and fired up in the neighborhood and the sounds of motorcycle engines are blending into the the background.
Spring time can quickly become very busy.  As we enjoy the outdoors we need to keep in mind safety tips.
  • Playground Safety: Now that it’s warmer outside, your child may wish to play on the backyard or your local park’s playground equipment. Teach your child playground safety rules like waiting their turn, going down the slide feet first, holding onto railings, and sitting down on swings or slides to prevent injuries. Before your child uses the playground, touch the play structures to check for hot surfaces that may cause burn injuries. Remove helmets, scarves, drawstrings, and other loose items that may be choking hazards.
  • Allergy Awareness: Spring is in the air, and so are allergies, which can cause your child to have a clear runny or stuffy nose, itchy and watery eyes, and a cough, especially when he or she has spent a lot of time outside. Keeping your windows closed and running the air conditioner can help reduce pollen counts indoors and make breathing a little easier.
  • Bike Safety: Now that the snow has melted, it’s time to pull the bikes out of the garage. There should be one to three inches of space between you when you stand on your foot pedals and the top bar of your bike. Check and oil the chain and the brakes of your bike regularly. Always wear a helmet, and replace it every three to five years or after a major impact. Wrist guards, elbow pads, and knee pads will help prevent sprains and scrapes due to falling.

Find more Spring Safety Tips here :

Source:  University of Iowa Children's Hospital

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