Oelwein Woman Cited for 2 Vehicle Accident Near West Union
An Oelwein motorist is being charged with causing a 2 vehicle accident in rural Fayette County.
Shortly after 5pm Monday, July 26th, the Fayette County Sheriff's Office received a report of a traffic accident near the intersection of Highway 150 and 210th Street, just south of West Union.

A southbound car driven by 49 year old Christina Hillman of Oelwein, was headed south on Highway 150, when she ran into the rear of a sport utility vehicle driven by Holly O'Brien of West Union.
No one was injured, however Hillman's 2008 Saturn Outlook was totaled, and O'Brien's 2015 Cadillac Escalade had $8,000 in damage.
Hillman has been cited for Following Too Closely.
The Fayette County Sheriff was assisted at the scene by the West Union Police Department, West Union Fire Department, and Tri-State Ambulance Service.
The recent arrest of a West Union woman on an outstanding warrant, has also resulted in the arrest of the driver of the car that was transporting the two.
At about 7pm Friday (July 30), 19 year old Lilly Ann McIntyre was taken into custody by Fayette County deputies. She was wanted on a warrant for a probation violation.
Upon further investigation, officers discovered that the driver of the vehicle, 22 year old Jonathan Chastain, also of West Union, did not have a driver's license.
Chastain was also charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance-1st Offense, Operating without Registration, and having No Valid Driver's License.
During the two arrests, McIntyre was also charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance-2nd Offense.
Both McIntyre and Chastain were taken to the Fayette County jail in West Union, and held until their initial appearance before a magistrate.