Midwest Governor Skeptical EPA will Meet E15 Deadline
The Trump administration has pledged to finish a proposal allowing year-round E15 sales by the summer driving season, but one Midwestern governor is skeptical. Nebraska Governor Pete Rickets told Bloomberg News he doesn’t expect the rule to be finished by Memorial Day, when the summer driving season begins.
The Environmental Protection Agency is working quickly to move the proposal, yet to be released and delayed by the government shutdown. The proposal would eliminate barriers that prohibit year-round sales of E15 fuels, gasoline containing 15 percent ethanol. Ricketts applauded the E15 move when it was announced in October, as the proposal would boost ethanol consumption at a time of stale margins for the ethanol industry.
Ricketts told Bloomberg News he spoke with EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler about three weeks ago to encourage him to get the E15 change “done as quickly as possible.” The regulatory process including publishing of the rule and comment period can take four to five months.
Source; NAFB News