Discover what's new in the town of Waterloo tomorrow (May-11) from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. You may be an expert in all things Waterloo but this will be the perfect event to maybe discover a hidden gem you didn't know existed. This ticketed event will help any and every Iowan experience the latest and greatest on what's happening in downtown Waterloo.

The Tour De Loo is an event that is put on by Main Street Waterloo to showcase all of the incredible things happening in the city. According to Main Street, event-goers will be able to explore "new construction, properties that are undergoing major renovations, and recently renovated spaces."

I reached out to Main Street Waterloo and the Director's name is Jessica Rucker. She said you can

"Get behind the scenes with Tour De Loo. Tour De Loo offers and exclusive chance for the community to explore properties and businesses they do not get to see on a regular basis. Passionate property and business owners are committed to the revitalization of downtown waterloo and are making it the place to live, work and play. Join us for a behind-the-scenes look at the vibrant hear of our community and witness the transformation that is taking place!"

Not only will you get a first-hand look at the new happenings in the city of Waterloo but you'll also be able to learn a little bit about the history of each location. When you live, drive, or work in the city, it might be hard to really notice all of the transformations that have happened in the past year. With the Tour De Loo, you'll be able to truly understand how much Waterloo has changed over the past year.

According to Main Street Waterloo, the participating locations this year are;

The Brown Derby

Bryan's Blue Plate

eXp Realty Cedar Valley

Experience Waterloo

Ferguson Real Estate

The Loft

Main Street Waterloo (New Location)

No Filter

Pretty Good Co (New Location)

Rejuvenate Med Spa (New Location)

The Savvy Bean

The Splash of Pearl

The Temple

White Rhino Real Estate

Of course, this wouldn't be a tour without a little bit of an after-party! Once 8 o'clock hits, The Brown Derby will be open full of snacks, entertainment, and chances to win prizes from 8-9:30. Tickets are currently available for $15 but if you'd like to attend with a group, you can grab 10 tickets for $115 at Main Street Waterloo.

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