Sen. Grassley Discusses Improving Iowa Schools With Students
Today, Senator Chuck Grassley spoke to students at Grundy Center High School in an hour-long Q&A session.
During the session, students asked the Senator a variety of questions from his position, to current social issues, to his policies.
One topic students focused on was Senator Grassley’s policies and views around education. When asked by students about what he would do to improve the overall quality of schools, Grassley said,
Three things; one is for parents to be more involved in the education of their kids, weekends aren’t just for pleasure- they ought to be for study, and book learning is more important than sports.
News headlines recently have been highlighting the latest push on banning books. An analysis with the Washington Post says that the books getting banned are often the ones that involve sexual material and gender issues.
Grassley answered by saying,
That decision should not be made in Washington DC, it should be made by your state legislature by your home, or by the teachers and the parents. But it should be in consultation with parents too.
And now that technology has become an important part of students' lives, both in and out of school; one teacher addressed Grassley saying he has seen the impacts technology has been having on students’ mental health. And while Grassley may not be working on a bill that directly addresses it, he said there is a bipartisan effort to address that issue.
They're doing it as a result of some testimony that came from Facebook and pointing out how damaging a lot of things that are on Facebook that is detrimental to the mental health and wellbeing of young people, particularly younger girls.
Another bill that they are working on with bipartisan support has to do with sexual assault protections and social media’s role in it.