Cover Crop Discount Deadline Extended
The deadline for farmers to apply for cover crop insurance discounts through the state has been extended to January 28th.
Farmers and landowners across the state are recognizing the benefits of planting fall cover crops to improve the health of their fields and water quality in their communities and downstream. I encourage everyone who planted fall cover crops to take advantage of this opportunity to save some money on spring crop insurance premiums.
Cover crops are used by farmers to help improve their soil’s health. Beyond the farm, cover crops reduce nutrient pollution from fields to local waterways.
While there is extensive promotion around using cover crops to improve water quality in Iowa, according to Iowa State University Extension, cover crops were only used on 4 percent of cropland in the state.
By keeping year-round cover, farmers can cycle nutrients and add organic matter to their soil. Cover crops have also led to increased soil water-holding capabilities. Farmers can even utilize the crop as forage for their livestock.
For more information on the crop insurance discount program, visit the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Stewardship website.
EPA Issues Herbicide Restrictions
This week the Environmental Protection Agency has issued a seven-year restriction for two herbicide products: Enlist Duo and Enlist One. According to the EPA, the new product labels use robust control measures to protect non-target plants and animals.
The new control measures include prohibiting product application when there is expected rainfall within 48 hours and when the soil can not absorb water.
The EPA is also going to require mandatory training materials that emphasize the importance of pollinators. Enlist should not be used when soybeans and cotton are in bloom or in counties where the EPA has identified risks to on-field listed species.