It’s always a good sight to see- when the corn is growing tall and green. But it can also indicate that the roads are going to be a little more dangerous.

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Here in Iowa, we are no strangers to tall corn, tractors on roads, and country roads. But just like the first snowfall of the year, drivers seem to forget to adjust their driving practices accordingly.

I’ve been seeing a post circulating on social media lately that, while it’s two years old, its message is still very important.


Even if you don’t have a stop sign... STOP at the corners.

Even if you know the other direction has a stop sign... STOP at the corners.

When it comes to intersections with corm, stopping or yielding can be what saves a life. Right-of-way laws in Iowa say that if there is no traffic light or stop sign then you must yield to traffic on the right.

The Facebook post by Double O Farms goes on to say too many people have died from blind corner accidents, which is something many people relate to.

Commenters on the post all shared their stories of people ignoring safety rules on these back roads.

The corn is planted right up to the corners, trust me, stop! My grandma was killed in just this way on the way home from church, grandpa was driving, they got t-boned at an intersection.- Zonda Befort 


My first love was killed when neither he nor the other driver stopped at the corner. STOP AT THE CORNERS! PLEASE!- Karen Kierbs


Lost my 19 y/o nephews this way 7/31/2003. Small truck vs semi-truck, uncontrolled gravel road, high corn. Nothing good comes from this situation.-Sandi Frink

So while tall corn is a good sign here in Iowa, it's also a sign to take that extra second while driving to be safe.


Welcome To Iowa - City Signs #1

Welcome To Iowa - City Signs #2


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