If only that text or email you received saying you won 1 million dollars if you provide your social security number, bank account number, and credit card information were true... hopefully one of these days you get that lucky. A text message scam is spreading through Waterloo and it's possible you've already seen this message.

Waterloo police are warning people about a scam spreading throughout the city. It feels like a couple of times a year every city in America goes through a situation like this. This scam shows up in the form of a text message.

According to CBS2Iowa, the text pretends to be a text from Veridian Credit Union and then tries to scam you out of personal information or money. The Waterloo Police Department has confirmed with Veridian Credit Union that the text is not from them and if you receive one of these messages do not open it or click the link

If you have clicked on the link or responded by giving out any personal information, you are asked to contact Veridian right away and change your banking information. When visiting the Waterloo Police Department Facebook page there is a wide range of comments about this scam.

Some people have mentioned receiving this message more than once already and there are people who have mentioned receiving this message and they don't even have an account with Veridian. Commenters who have an account with the bank Green State Credit Union have mentioned receiving this text as well, so it is possible this isn't just an ongoing issue with Veridian.

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