Three Iowa Nursing Homes Added to the List of Worst FacilitiesThree Iowa Nursing Homes Added to the List of Worst Facilities10 Iowa nursing homes are on this federal watch list.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Owner of Eight Iowa Nursing Homes Files For BankruptcyOwner of Eight Iowa Nursing Homes Files For BankruptcyRepeated ongoing violations and other issues leading to fines over several years have led to this move for an Iowa nursing home and assisted living center chain.Eric StoneEric Stone
Five Iowa Nursing Homes Still Among Nation’s WorstFive Iowa Nursing Homes Still Among Nation’s WorstFive Iowa nursing homes still rank among the nation's worst. Why can't they get the help that they need?Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
Will Iowa Nursing Home’s Lift Their Visitor Restrictions Soon?Will Iowa Nursing Home’s Lift Their Visitor Restrictions Soon?COVID-19 cases in Iowa long-term care facilities on the decline as spread slows and vaccination uptake rises.Shawn McKennaShawn McKenna
Governor Announces Seven New Outbreaks at Long-Term Care FacilitiesGovernor Announces Seven New Outbreaks at Long-Term Care FacilitiesGovernor Reynolds also announced a second drive-thru testing center will be opening, this one in eastern Iowa.Bob JamesBob James