Time to Say Goodbye to the Oldest Sandwich Shop in Cedar RapidsTime to Say Goodbye to the Oldest Sandwich Shop in Cedar RapidsCould it somehow make a comeback? Kerri MacKerri Mac
Former Marion Maid-Rite Building Under New OwnershipFormer Marion Maid-Rite Building Under New OwnershipThe new owners are working with the city to restore the historic building.Ryan "Brain" BrainardRyan "Brain" Brainard
An Iowa Original, The Maid-Rite Was Invented Here 96 Years AgoAn Iowa Original, The Maid-Rite Was Invented Here 96 Years AgoA taste sensation started right here in Iowa, nearly a century ago.Bob JamesBob James
6 Iowa Slang Words/Phrases ALL Iowans Know6 Iowa Slang Words/Phrases ALL Iowans KnowTest you Iowa slang knowledge! Johnny MarksJohnny Marks